The birth rate of 1.23 children per woman in Italy is the second lowest in the Western world. Women rarely have more than one child. If that rate of reproduction continues, Italians will slowly but surely die out.
How could Italy - the country which has a reputation for loving children more than any other in the world, and where there is an almost religious reverence for the role of Mama - stop having children?
The Government seems as perplexed by the situation as the Pope, who two years ago begged Italians to "rediscover the culture of life and love and their mission as parents". His plea fell on deaf ears. The Italians, the most solidly Catholic country in Europe, ignored his request to have more children, just as they have ignored his teaching on the sinfulness of contraception. "Italians," as one demographer put it, "have not given up sex. They have merely given up procreation."
How could Italy - the country which has a reputation for loving children more than any other in the world, and where there is an almost religious reverence for the role of Mama - stop having children?
The Government seems as perplexed by the situation as the Pope, who two years ago begged Italians to "rediscover the culture of life and love and their mission as parents". His plea fell on deaf ears. The Italians, the most solidly Catholic country in Europe, ignored his request to have more children, just as they have ignored his teaching on the sinfulness of contraception. "Italians," as one demographer put it, "have not given up sex. They have merely given up procreation."

One answer is the after hour availability of condoms. This handy container is attatched to the pharmacy outside wall. No excuses for protection and safe sex.
The low Italian birthrate does surprise me, and I think it's due to the difficulties in earning a good living and being able to be independent.
I applaud responsibility, but I still hope things level out... such a beautiful culture should not slowly die out. Interesting.
I wasn't aware of this either, Sharon. I suppose it's the high cost of living?
perhaps thinking about how their children will fare in the world left to them? interesting indeed- and enlightened.
Well, I suppose economic reasons and the fact that more women are working are part of it. It is, of course, eventually going to change the whole "family culture" of Italy.
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