Thursday, April 26, 2007

Flora and Fauna and Boats

A sunny holiday brings everyone outside. While walking along the beach and back roads yesterday we came across fishermen repairing boats, gypsy caravan and beautiful scenery. It was a perfect spring day. The walk along the beach is always a good thing and we met up with several local fishermen painting their boats and untangling fish line. Further up the beach were tourists sunbathing topless. We had to take a good look at ourselves covered head to toe in jeans and sweatshirts. What a contrast in attire.

When turning inland along a back road we saw a gypsy caravan parked. Normally they park on the outskirts of town but beach frontage has advantages. Further up the path Andy spotted a horse show embedded in the ground. Always nice to stumble upon some good luck.

The back road borders a *fiume*...actually a small stream of water that runs down from the mountain into the sea. In the summer this stream will be dry. The wild flowers are beautiful. It almost looks like some other place besides Sicily.

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