Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Occhio alla spesa!

Occhio alla spesa is the name of an eleven o'clock morning Rai Channel television program. I usually have this on in my kitchen as I prepare lunch. I like this show. It is hosted by a congenial fella and several characters make it humorous and enjoyable. The theme (and name) of this show is *Eye on Spending*. Most of the things that they have an eye on is food. There is a theme of the day and located in different cities in Italy are people who check prices on the same item in their city's market. Lately, they have the participants on video phone so the price is also visual. Also included is an expert on the type of food being presented and someone who suggests ways to use the item in cooking.

For example yesterday the item was white onions. When each representative has called in, a bookkeeper will give us the high and low prices and regions where these two extremes are from and then an average cost. The low price for one kilo of white onions yesterday was from Palermo at €0.80 per kilo. I think Rome had the high and it was around €2.00 per kilo. Monday being shopping day we were in a grocery store and the price per kilo of white onions was €0.99. It was one cent over the average price for Italy. Yes, we bought some.

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